Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Frankly my dear, I wish I did not give a damn.

I am going to reiterate an example of what is going on for those of you...Including my relatives and friends. Who have no idea what's going on.

Imagine an island with 20 islanders. To survive each day they need 20 fish "platters" to feast upon. 5 make and repair nets, 5 make and repair boats, 5 do the fishing, and 5 prepare the meal.
Along comes a shipwrecked Harvard graduate, who feels the benevolent urge to bestow his gift of intelligence upon these wretches.
They listen to him for some God awful reason and thusly, at his behest, they move 3 from repairing/making boats and 3 from repairing/making nets to fishing.
Lo and behold! Much more fish are coming in and now the island is making an incredible 50 fish "platters" per day!
The kind hearted Harvard grad takes his tithe of ten percent and eats 5 of the "platters
leaving the other 20 people still 45! A whole 2.5x their normal "consumption"!
However, over time, the remaining repairers of boats and nets begin to fall behind. This decline in the functionality of equipment has a correlation with a decline in number of fish being caught per day which the Harvard grad routinely denies.
Regardless, the max of 50 becomes 45 then 35 and so forth. The Harvard grad meanwhile takes increasingly larger percentages of the share w/o giving any net benefit as he grows fatter and fatter. So his tithing of 5 becomes a demand for 10 and so on.
This continues until the people realize that they cannot sustain this and hope to survive. For some God Awful reason, perhaps because the Harvard grad spends all his time taking the roll of the island's "media", the islanders beseech the now fairly rotund Harvard grad once more for guidance.
His answer: We need more fish, so more shall go into fishing. Thusly the problem is compounded as more island people are fishing and even less are repairing and preparing.

This is a parable for our current state of affairs. Notice that even a "correction" in which the Harvard grad was ousted (hopefully eaten) and removed from the equation, a return to a balance would require a complete shift in the opposite direction. For now things are in such disrepair that not even the original 5 per occupation would be enough to return the islanders to a state of normality.
Some degree of starvation is inevitable as they fix to repair the damage they had done TO THEMSELVES at the behest of the now consumed Harvard grad (who's public sacrifice will help ease).

This is our fate in lite. Most of your economics professors should be eaten.

Solution! To ease the recovery I say we do like those islanders and dismiss and consume this State.

Friday, March 27, 2009

AIG Feint & the Route the Gun Ban Will Take

It looks like the number of times I see "AIG" in the news is beginning to simmer down a bit, and though I am sure the dipshits at my old alma mater are still vocally masturbating themselves at how this show "capitalism" to be evil, NEVER focusing on where all the money came from.

Hint Boys and Girls: Redistribution of wealth is exactly what you got and AIG is EXACTLY what you get.

But now it looks to be that our beloved old media and thusly government is beginning to move beyond this project of shifting blame and destroying liberty/prosperity.

People have been grabbing more guns since Obama has been in office with the
fear, and rightly so, that under his purview guns will be banned, in part or in all.

Personally I know that the libel that is thrown against those who choose to take some control of their own destiny is in a minute manner, true.

I was needing a gun back when Bush was in office.

So the question becomes, not if guns will be banned, but how?

Politics is the art of legitimizing murder and theft, so how are they going to legitimize this in Amerika?

Roll out the Drug War!

They've been trying many routes for a while to see how they can effectively remove arms from the people for a long while. Katrina, and every disaster since.
This time though, our beatific leaders are going to be using the conflict, they instigated, on our southern border as an excuse to put us all into a cozy, safe casket.

Will you fall for the ploy?

--We are all just stars on your burning flag
Point your gun at me and hope i'll go away
If god was alive, he would hate you anyway

Funny Ages

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Heaping Gobfuls of Change

Sadly. There has been change. Obama IS doing everything Bush did wrong, BIGGER!

By the way, now that I am on a terrorist watch list. For those of you bureaucrats reading this, when will you stop? When they tell you they're loading people on the trains, or when they decide to load you? Will you ever?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Follow Follow Follow

Is it not interesting that people start complaining about the bailout as a whole and suddenly mainstream media focuses its stories of the day on two main topics. How Obama needs to go further with stimulus and on the AIG bonuses and the evil business men who are receiving your money.

It couldn't possibly have been the fault of congress. No. Of course not, they just take and gave corporations our money.

Man, it's almost as if congress and the executive branch are trying to destroy small businesses in favor of larger, inefficient but easier to control mass corporations.

But, that would be the epitome of fascism. And Amerika is the Land of the Free!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

I would like to thank the academy for this award. Also I would like to thank the Sandman.

Actually, this is the 2nd highest optimal state for a bureaucrat, right after quitting. After this, it's straight to petty, to cruel, to stupid (good intentioned), to evil, to stupid and evil. Yes, you can be "good intentioned" and evil. Usually you'll find this particular brand of asshat in positions of power saying things like "You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" or something else that is usually followed by tyranny.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh, the great "Lengths" people will go to

As an aside, put this on a T-Shirt (upcoming comic)

Socialism: All Fluff and Snuff, but no Stuff

Friday, March 13, 2009

All is fair in The EnvironMENTAL Movement.

Direct quote from me in high school. "Believe me, government will go far enough to tax the air you breathe, and by the time they do it you'll be indoctrinated and dumb enough to be sure it's a necessity."

Carbon Tax....'Nuff fucking said.

Let me spell it out for you. YOU CAN NOT SAVE THE EARTH WITH GOVERNMENT!

Those advocating eradication of mankind to "save the earth" are dipshits. What do you think is going to spread life to the far reaches of space? Hopes and dreams?

"Yes they deserve to die, And I hope they burn in Hell!"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Until authorities pluck out my eyes.

Ever been to the point where you are so tired it hurts but you can't go to sleep? Not very pleasant.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I went on an adventure today

I thought I would check out a news source that is constantly being referenced by blogs and other news sources, and you know what? I realized that this nation is doomed. This nation is doomed because people can look at the front page of the huffington post website and not rend their fucking eyeballs asunder.

I was feeling like adventure. I know feel fairly vomity. I've had my quota of cowardly evil violent little bigots for the day. Thank you.

Hey Kids! It's Funny Hat Epoch! YAAAAAY!

This Funny Hat can Fool People, This Funny Hat can Kill People, and This Funny Hat isn't really Funny at All

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So as I typed away working on the rough draft of my book, I sat back, sore of wrist arm and fingers and realized I had just put to bytes 24 pages of effort. The Amazement was short lived however when I realized I hadn't move the plot forward yet. "Oh, SONUVA....!"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Democracy Epic Fail One

This Is the first of Many of my Epic Fail series. To me Democracy is a joke. So I'll pull a Woodrow and spread it all around. Tee hee. Yeah, I know "Epic fail" is a long used internet meme. But then Democracy is a long used social meme. So there.

Plus as I work on my book more (that's right I said book). I might just start making a dent in all the comics I've already drawn up. Though it does give me something to post everyday. It's nice to have material for most of the days when I'm too busy.

By the mother luvin' by, I'll start actually giving out hints and info about the book I'm working on as it progresses. I say this because I NEED, for my own sanity's sake, to have at least a whole rough draft by May. I'm giving myself two months because I've spent all Feb writing on notepad after notepad and I now have an annoying stack of seven of them chock full of story plot and development and ideas. Not only is putting it all in order a rat bitch but the damn story keeps growing under my fingertips as I type it up.

I only hope that when all is said and done, this story will be a good one and really make people look forward to the next...I shouldn't of told you that.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Refusing to Keep The Sabbath Holy Since 2000

As a wise man once said, "Jesus Saves! And Mohammed Goes in for the Rebound!"