Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Prepping For the End


I'm A SUV!

Seriously, though It is a pain being on the bottom rung at the precipice of Amerikan destruction. I know what I need to ride out the coming calamity but affording even a couple hundred dollars here and there is a pain.

I am having massive difficulties finding gold here in Milwaukee where the dealer is not trying to rip me off at near double spot. If anyone could help it would be great. So since gold is probably out of my reach at this point (save for massive amounts of sudden fortune) I must settle for smaller goods. Ammo and silver. Yippee

Looking forward to breaking free to the free state. Not looking forward to doing so with only the clothes on my back. So I am splintering my bones trying to save up enough so I can be alright for one or two months as soon as I moved up there.

I end this with the massive rage I hold against college debt. It is another yolk those bastards crush me under.