Friday, March 27, 2009

AIG Feint & the Route the Gun Ban Will Take

It looks like the number of times I see "AIG" in the news is beginning to simmer down a bit, and though I am sure the dipshits at my old alma mater are still vocally masturbating themselves at how this show "capitalism" to be evil, NEVER focusing on where all the money came from.

Hint Boys and Girls: Redistribution of wealth is exactly what you got and AIG is EXACTLY what you get.

But now it looks to be that our beloved old media and thusly government is beginning to move beyond this project of shifting blame and destroying liberty/prosperity.

People have been grabbing more guns since Obama has been in office with the
fear, and rightly so, that under his purview guns will be banned, in part or in all.

Personally I know that the libel that is thrown against those who choose to take some control of their own destiny is in a minute manner, true.

I was needing a gun back when Bush was in office.

So the question becomes, not if guns will be banned, but how?

Politics is the art of legitimizing murder and theft, so how are they going to legitimize this in Amerika?

Roll out the Drug War!

They've been trying many routes for a while to see how they can effectively remove arms from the people for a long while. Katrina, and every disaster since.
This time though, our beatific leaders are going to be using the conflict, they instigated, on our southern border as an excuse to put us all into a cozy, safe casket.

Will you fall for the ploy?

--We are all just stars on your burning flag
Point your gun at me and hope i'll go away
If god was alive, he would hate you anyway

Funny Ages