Friday, April 17, 2009


I love bitters. I do enjoy a great stout (must be high alcohol concentration in my humble opinion).

Though I apologize if I do come off as bitter. I am actually quite happy. I have quite a bit to be thankful for, I'm just never satisfied.

Here's the eternal thought going through my head. "Egads! _______ would be much better off by magnitudes of thousands of times if the State wasn't around to fuck it all up. And here's why...."

When you can look at a situation and see how it has massive room for improvement and every inclination to get worse simply because others are either too scared, too evil, or too stupid to stop themselves, you do tend to have a bit of bitterness about current affairs.

However, I do know that humanity, life in general, all supposed foibles aside is absolutely awesome.

I also believe in people simply because while under certain conditions they can be monsters, it holds equally true that under different conditions they can be saints. Also, though the masses are often a sea of fools, there are always individuals worth knowing and meeting.

That's why you must keep outwardly (and inwardly) positive, because you never know when you'll stumble upon people you can connect with, appreciate and admire.

Obama, Bush? All I know is that my eyesocket is sore and I can't stop the bleeding.

Seriously, Obama isn't doing anything different from Bush save calling the same actions different words. Sometimes.

Yet the pacman people (mouth opens and closes and all hope is eaten up never ending) keep spouting crap about him being either an evil socialist or a great statist. SAME SHIT.

Egads! I don't even have the ability to scream out WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SO FUCKING MINDLESS!!!!
Cause I know why.
They identify with a group. They feel more powerful as part of a group. They have less personal responsibility for their words and actions as long as they are in line with the groups words and actions. They feel safe in the confines of the group.

Nevermind the group may be flowing like a flock of birds rapidly ramming into a cliffside and all the squawking is underscored by the constant sickening sounds of impacts and crushing bones and organs.

Never you mind. Because Obama is the Savior/Satan unlike the previous Satan/Savior and all your prayers will be answered and condemned.

With bullshit like this, it only makes me wonder how long until this administration tries to fan the flames of race war to produce enough smoke to hide their crime. Oh wait, fanning is already under way. You gotta watch out for those militia groups!

I'm going to put up a constant bright blinking sign screaming in lights and sound "BE AFRAID BE AFRAID BE AFRAID TRUST ME AND BE AFRAID" I might just develop a following of sycophants who will do my every stupid whim.

What? It works for the State.

Oh, and on a final note.

Fuck taxes. Fuck them. Fuck the fucking stupid shit who portends to validate them. For you people who think we "need" taxation, I'm going to dress up like I'm from Best Buy, hold you at gun point. Take 10000 dollars from you and leave you with a computer that still runs Windows 95. You do not get "service" for taxation, you get fucked. Not in the good way. Nay, you get skullfucked, and your money will go to teach your children to enjoy the same.
Huzzah your cowardice and evil!