Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thank God I don't work this anymore!!!
While the hours I now work are tremendous (60-70hr/wk, 7 days/wk), my current employment is VASTLY superior as a Nestle Refinery Lab Tech as opposed to the emotional stress of listening to the unwashed masses bitch for 50 hrs a week. Plus the pay is much better, and I am more fit.
I feel sorry for those left behind at Metavante, for I am sure that it was extra hell dealing with Michigan when everyone was about to riot for handouts that "OBAMA PROMISED ME" a couple weeks back.
The scary issue is that right now, these people are as a gun being loaded. A massive amount of force that will do the bidding of any psychopath that promises them a free lunch. Sure these same people will turn around and attempt to tear to pieces when they don't get their free lunch (they'll never know there is no such thing), but whoopdee fuck, my life is already disrupted (not ended, I prepared).
I would tie this back to Austrian Economics. One key point of Austrian Economics is that corrections are inevitable when fiat currency is involved. It insulates the economically insane from their folly at the expense of everyone else.
While this technically happens in a free-market banking as well, it is limited to one bank and takes vastly less time for the correction to occur on a vastly smaller scale (think, oh did you hear the bank down the street got caught and went insolvent, guess we'll have to switch banks) as opposed to central banks which inflates a far LARGER area to a FAR greater extent, with money going to government to amplify the situation even more, so that when the Correction arrives instead of the sentiments of "oh, that sucks" or "what happened? it didn't affect me" we have a correction of "HOLY SHIT BALLS THE WORLD IS COMING THE FUCK APART! SOMEBODY GRAB a GOD, a GUN, and some ADDERALL, I HAVE WORK TO DO!"
This logical and well-demonstrated reasoning applies to society (go figure) as well. the fantastic adage "The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools." The impetus is now fully government (monopolized violence) in the form of regulations, laws, and welfare, the result is your teeming unwashed masses that think not of growth, creating wealth, and breathing free, but instead act more as a ravenous maw that consumes all.
The Correction being when that maw consumes itself. The problem being this should never have happened (again.) and the sheer depravity and horror of the collapse will drive others to, intentionally or not, misinterpret the causes and seek out to start the whole shindig all over again.
"But the Maw is made of PEOPLE!" Yep, tough fucking cookies. I tried to help some but they attacked me for my pipe, my food, my car, my air, my energy, my life. Let them be driven towards the slaughter that they desire so badly. I guess you can think of it this way (i do) government is a cancer destined to kill the host. It has turned too many of the working cells of the body into useless consuming bloated disease that drain and spread, creating more and more of their own in every portion of the body. The body is about die. The remainder of productive living cells have already or are working towards getting out of the way. Lets hope these are mostly gametes. :)
But enough of that tripe,
That is the future. For now I am enjoying life, working hard, and planning while the storm grows and the frenzy builds. Though I have to say, from my experience being unemployed that all I got from my lack of work was a massive gumption not to have a lack of work.
also, an aside: I realize that I did not specify beyond the unemployed and perhaps government, but I include in that terminal cancer all the positions of bureaucrats, state supported "educators", towers of corporate offices, all filled to the brim with people that would be doing something far more productive with their lives if there wasn't all these men with guns going about and extorting people over every thing they think they can get away with.
RANT TOO LONG, back to life.
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