Thursday, December 3, 2009

Disturbing Implication

Perhaps it is because the major writers of news and nonfiction are of the white collar world, or even denizens of Academia. Perhaps they enjoy a rather strangled myopic vision of the world, but I repeat myself.

I am surrounded by the detritus of the United States armed forces. I work in a factory and I can tell you that at least four out of five workers in that factory went through the military. Kind of ironic in a very subtle manner. I am not saying that this has changed their characters much. They act like the share a bond with each other that I can never be apart of, and that's exactly like a million other group associations I have witnessed. No big deal.

These same people (I almost said men, but there's a few women as well) I have overheard grumbling about what's going wrong with the country and how bankers and politicians are slowly running them through with a stick and fanning the flames of the fire beneath them. They're grumbling.

But is that a grumble of hope? I do not believe so. I had a rather denim bedecked fellow approach me today ranting about his version of the current state of affairs. The important note of which was that he believed that the military will follow the "Law" and tell politicians to take a hike before executing illegal orders.

To which I casually asked, "When was the last time Congress declared war?"

My question was ignored (aside: I loathe people ignoring my questions. It makes me want to stop the dialogue then and there) and he began to go on about how the military would never occupy America, which is as rich as German Chocolate Cake. I asked "Who was that I saw in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?" Ignored again.

He went on and fully flushed out his rant from its twisted little hole and I kept my peace. Sometimes, it's best not to counter the crazy too much lest you find yourself being eaten alive by ever gyrating winds of bugnutty.

Basically, the concern I have is that so many of these blue-collar, Amerikan as apple pie, workers believe in their military while not believing in the government. They grumble revolution, but seem to have faith in the exact Monster that an earnest revolt would need to shirk through charm or violence.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that the world is about to turn. The Amerikan Empire is in a rapid state of Decline. Rushing with breakneck speed to the edge of a cliff with the world screaming in the backseat and what not. What I hope is that as a forest fire clears the ground for new sprouts to be given a chance to become something a bit more substantial, so too can parts of this country find themselves back on the path of liberty/prosperity.

What I fear though is quite the opposite. As history warns, such times can be ripe for pied piper demagogues to speak to the people's fears and biding them to come with them to ever further social horrors.

The U.S. Military has every vested interest in the continuance of the FED to further the spending on its endeavors and the obedience to the whimsies of statesmen will not be pushed aside in some kind of heroic stand. The entire government apparatus is rife with corruption and blackened with gangrene to its very soul. Either we help it, and all it's tendrils die, or we risk letting it become the very last economic bubble: Where government swells to astronomical proportions, micromanaging every aspect of everyone's life, all spearheaded by the military, before falling to a million violent pieces.

I would truly like to avoid that, thank you. So let's all just go to a new land and get down and dirty in conceiving that land in Liberty, whilst bidding bon voyage to the United States and its disastrous disintegrating empire act in peace. New Hampshire, anyone?