So, I was reading some articles and found this
To Which I attempted to reply thusly, and really amused myself. Hope you get a laugh out of it, too. Though the writer has to approve comments and I have a sneaky suspicion that he will neglect to do so in this case.
Congratulations on your mental deficiency!
You have now acquired ___MYOPIA___!
Certain symptoms of this disease involve reflexive desires to have other people commit extortion in your pet projects name simply because you are incapable of seeing what wonderful possibilities the future may hold.
Characteristic of Myopia are such phrases as, "Well we can't pay for this the old way, so it's doomed" and "Just because people are turning to what they deem superior alternatives doesn't mean we can't steal from people and give some of the gains to failing industries!"
Myopia can cause major complications in late stages including, but not limited to: total mental paralysis, death, premature ejaculation, death, slavery, and a smart punch in the nose.
Known Cures Include: Getting off your high horse, do something productive instead of whining for the destructive, and death!
To Which I attempted to reply thusly, and really amused myself. Hope you get a laugh out of it, too. Though the writer has to approve comments and I have a sneaky suspicion that he will neglect to do so in this case.
Congratulations on your mental deficiency!
You have now acquired ___MYOPIA___!
Certain symptoms of this disease involve reflexive desires to have other people commit extortion in your pet projects name simply because you are incapable of seeing what wonderful possibilities the future may hold.
Characteristic of Myopia are such phrases as, "Well we can't pay for this the old way, so it's doomed" and "Just because people are turning to what they deem superior alternatives doesn't mean we can't steal from people and give some of the gains to failing industries!"
Myopia can cause major complications in late stages including, but not limited to: total mental paralysis, death, premature ejaculation, death, slavery, and a smart punch in the nose.
Known Cures Include: Getting off your high horse, do something productive instead of whining for the destructive, and death!