Sunday, November 22, 2009

Clever in my lonliness

The Future came to Past
and asked
"Why not lose ourselves this Present?
He always regrets You
and never thinks of me."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Citizen's Creed

Our Father, who art in Washington
Government be thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
For thy will, we have done
in America as it is across the world
Give us this day our deserved social plot
and God forgive us for lapping at our Master’s hand
as we must condemn those who do not
Deliver us, Lords, from every Freedom
and grant us conformity in our day
may our chains set lightly upon us
and may posterity forget that we were the countrymen
of rebels, saints, and entrepreneurs
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
Now and forever, we call for your laws
With our gibbering, ravenous jaws
For we are Legion, and for the sake of decorum
May God forbid anyone know we might have lived

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Agorism. Loving it.

The plight of the 2nd shift

You work right when everyone else is relaxing. Now, I oscillate between immediate sleep after work and staying up till dawn, my body has never been beholden to a 24 hr cycle, but my time frame choices for social interaction lick the sweaty hairy ass hole of a Danish giant.
I can either stay up late when all are slumbering, drunk or crazy, or get up early when all are old, working or still asleep. Cursed missing trousers of Turin, I could use a chill hang out. Like where there's a small group of fairly diverse people who stop and let fall the weights of the world. And fucking bonfires.
I guess this loneliness is all the better to work on my writing. Which is actually going splendidly by-the-by.

Monday, November 16, 2009


This is the Carnival
All the Lights serve to make the Shadows darker
Witness the crowds cheer, clap, and dimly grin
Some knowing somewhere within of their sin
While you are herded once more and again
Into a quaintly decorated slaughter pen

This is the Main Attraction
Their smiles and genuflections dazzle
You are given to believe in your granted choice
So damn certain that they hear your voice
Above the roaring crowd, the mindless noise
All of them beholden to men of stilted poise

This is the Sideshow
Caged plastic demons & saints keep the herd on track
Talking heads in a square room espouse your thought
Terror here is sold, ignorance gleefully bought
Creating a net of lies, the Aware are caught

This is Behind the Curtain
Here the Masquerade just begins & the masks come off
The dazzlers are revealed as petty crooked men
Who seek & garner control through manipulation
Poisoning their species with short sighted action
Jumping in front of the parade to lead it to destruction

This is the Final Closing
Tents are alight burning hopes to guilty ashes
Hear above the crackle the Herd is bleating
The conductors hang to avoid their just beating
The remnant always survives by retreating
Into the future, while the present fire eats their empty seating.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holy Bejeezus, I have a Submission

Holy Crab Cakes, this guy is a better artist than I. A four year old is a better artist than I. So this guy is far better than both....

Thanks Jay for the Submission. I'll be more than happy to post all good submissions. Be sure to send people to this blog to check out your work.

K, like a minuteman, I have a potato in the oven.

Side note: The Internet puts me in a state of awe that church never could.
Double Side Note: Are the fumes hitting the fan already what I sense from the Gov't right now?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Beware Future Roomates

Future Room Buddies Beware. I switch these randomly. Isn't that right Steve? Yeah that's right, try to gum my pepperoni pizza you mouthwash thieving bastard.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Red Tape: A Horror Movie/Documentary of Delusion

As an aside, would people like more videos? I ask because the internal mic is dead for whatever reason on my comp and To do so would require me to invest in an external mic. So I leave it to whomever actually reads this to decide.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quick Prediction

"Thin standard" for attractiveness in women has a negative correlation with economic wealth....for now. ergo, in the next decade expect the attractiveness standard to expand....just saying...peace out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I will write as much as I can in two minutes.
First, I send my good will out to all those who are pushing hard for liberty in New Hampshire, especially the Keene liberty activists.

I am EXTREMELY happy for Free Talk Live and promise to become an amplifier as a part of my 24th b-day: Nov 9th. Remember remember the 9th of November...tee hee....damn food calls....I'm out.

oh yeah, still no one is betting me on previous post....