Thursday, January 22, 2009

Change in Heaping Gobfuls

If you read the long and somewhat rambling two part post earlier in this blog, you'll understand the future.
Obama has stopped the regular increase in salary of those making over 100,000 in D.C. He hasn't decreased their salary, only stopped the increase, for this year. This is a great PR stunt but does NOTHING to curb the coming calamity.
However he does spend 170 million on his inauguration address and we foot most of that bill, he is pushing another 350 billion "stimulus" that we also foot the bill for, and people will ignore these and 'hope' that he does bring change.
You will get your change, heaping gobfuls of change. You will sadly all get your change. Don't cry to me or try to extort me when that 'change' puts you starving on the street. Any such attempts of force will only get you a smart punch in the mouth and a bullet in your knee.

Look, there is no Hope here, this is the darkest hour that liberty and prosperity have had since FDR held the cockles of the nation in his palm. The only Hope I have is in a small but exponentially growing movement in New Hampshire. I will be joining them with in the year and I call for you to do the same. While the masses are held enthralled with Obama, the economy will continue to crumble, war will continue to wage, and you will continue to lose both liberty and wealth.

While Bush was lampooned for the atrocities and stupidity of his actions and his administration's, the majority of people were closer to a realistic view of their government than ever before. Obama represents nothing more than massive coup for the PR campaign for Statist action. Obama's actions will be the same actions but BIGGER, with far greater approval from the masses and far greater impact on the the nation.

I fear this dark era we have begun, but am also optimistic for the future, because it is only in the when much is rapidly lost that revolutions occur. Let us work to make them peaceful revolutions instead of violent upheavals. Remember the government is at it's very core a simple monopoly on force. A great massive social hammer. When there's a hammer as big as this Empire, billions will be nailed.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling about the spending issue in Washington and just 'holding it' will not make things right. The inauguration was a spectacle that we will feel this year and we need to those above us to start setting an example by taking pay cuts and maybe not taking an expensive trip but doing a video conference instead. Cheers Dennis!
