Thursday, January 22, 2009

Working with the unemployed....

Greetings Interweb!

I am currently in a job as a call center agent. Though I service calls for cards of all kinds I primarily deal with unemployment /child support cards. As you can imagine, for 8 hours a day I deal with the most enlightened individuals of our society. I do not say this with sarcasm, I say this with TOTAL TERRIBLE SINCERITY. Why?

Because I’m dealing with people who seek to live at the expense of others 24/7 without ever doing a thing! Many of whom are receiving more than minimum wage and a few of whom make more than I do a week! This begs the question why should I work?

Especially if, should I be unemployed, I can defer the payments to my student loans and in some ways have the feds pay for the very loans that they forced to be issued to me.

So that’s the crux of the proposition. If I am a chump for working for less money than I would receive if I were not to work, then those who chose the other path and subsist off the State’s largess must be enlightened.

They couldn’t possibly be living precarious lives that depend on the continuing existence of ultimately destructive policies….

There is the trade off. Subsist with little to no energy used, or subsist by striving hard and trying to grab as many work hours in a week as humanly possible. The future for the first is bleak at best. The future for the latter has massive amounts of potential. Still, frustration does exist all too well in the present.

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